Burdeos, Francia
”Be inquisitive and follow me !”
Burdeos, Francia
”Be inquisitive and follow me !”
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Yo te mostraré:
I want to make you discover emblematic place of Bordeaux, full of History and culture. I can brief you about what you have to see and also give you some french basis lessons. If you want to visit the city late in the evening and enjoy the music, just follow me !
Unas palabras sobre mí:
I am a student in Bordeaux. I'm interested in History, in architecture, in literature and scientific facts. I think the most important is to be curious ! ;)
Lenguas habladas:
Ingles, Español, Francés
Tipos de actividades:
  • Arrival Welcome
  • Culture & history
  • Nightlife & music
  • Language courses
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